15 марта 2013 г.


Last March I was in Paris,there was a real spring on the streets,maybe it was more than 15 degrees .The first thing  you should do in Paris- is to climb on the Eiffel Tower and see the city from a bird's eye. But you should be very patient to stay in that multi-long queue. The ticket costs 8 euro(the elevator to 2 level)and 13 euro(to 3 level) and also there is another line for steps which cost 4,50 euro.
Having admired the view on tower,we went to Museum d'Orsay which is located into old station building. You can enjoy the works of Monet,Dega,Mane,Renuar,Gogen and etc.Unfortunately you are  not allowed to make photos in the museum. The ticket cost is 8 euro,but as student I have paid only 6 euro.
Also you can booke place on the water-train and see this gorgelous city from another side or have little lunch on the Seine enbankment as we had.